2011年5月4日 星期三

Golf Jokes

I love golf and I love jokes and sayings that are about golf so this book caught my eye while I was surfing on Amazon.com. I love to surf Amazon as they have so much to offer and with my prime account I can get free shipping and it arrives in two days. No driving to Malls to surf there I can do it right at home on my computer. I do most of my shopping this way and it is the best service around.

Any time I find something about golf and I love books so this was an easy one to add to my list. It is a collection of favorite golf stores, jokes by golfers and about golfers. Shelia and Ron Stewart have written a lot of joke books as it listed nine including this one. They must get along very well to write these books together and still stay married. I must stay all of the jokes are things one usually hears around the golf course or excuses a man gives his wife for playing golf.

This book is 138 pages so after a few pages you might think it is becoming repeating itself or they seem to all sound alike. I do have hopes of finding a few gems so it was worth the purchase. I can always use some of them during all my writing and sharing with my golfing groups. Such as this one: "Only on a golf course could eight people on ten acres be considered crowded". Now by itself it is not much but if you are behind a slow foursome ahead of you it is too crowded.

Now this one I liked as I have done this and I am nor sorry, "If you can't laugh at your own golf game, at least have the common decency not to laugh at others." I have laughed often at other golf swings as you can see some really crazy golf swing and you just can't help yourself. Else this one fits here, Laugh at your own golf game and other golfers will laugh with you. Cry at your own golf game and they'll laugh even harder".

Now this one is so true, "The real wonder of golf is that we can be so bad at it and still enjoy it". There are day when the game goes south and every shot was a lemon but after it was over you said it will be better tomorrow. Or you follow with this, "My golf score fluctuates just a little, I'd say somewhere between 85 and 120". Well I can say somewhere in the middle of that.

This one fit right at home, "Our golfing skills vary as we learn the game. Things can change a great deal in fifty years". I can answer truthfully on this one as I have played this crazy game for over fifty years and my game is still a work in progress.

Check out this book it has a lot of stories and things you hear said around a golf course. Golfers have a great sense of humor or they would not stay with something that is so humiliating at times. Once that perfect golf shot comes out even if it is only one a round it keeps you coming back. Love this game it is good for your humorous side and will keep you young.

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