Parents are outraged that a Palmer High School student had the audacity to make a joke about the violent shooting, which occurred at Columbine High School just over 12 years ago.
It should be very clear that a joke about this violent attack, which took the lives of 12 innocent students and a teacher, would not be appreciated!
Wednesday was the 12th anniversary of the shooting. As our country took a moment to remember the innocent lives lost at the Columbine High School, the unnamed student made “Columbine-style threats” against the school in a posting on his Facebook page, according to the Colorado Springs Gazette.
When police arrived to the student’s front door, he claimed that he was only kidding and meant no actual harm by the joke. The officers discussed this serious matter with the boy’s parents, and the boy was forced to stay home from school on the 12th anniversary of the attack.
The Colorado Springs police, Lt. Pat Rigdon, was quoted saying, “That’s not something to joke about,” which seems so obvious!
This town is still haunted by the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, and families are still mourning the loss of their children.
(Photo source: Wikimedia)
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