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Donald Trump, who sat by stoically as President Barack Obama and Saturday Night Live's Seth Meyers roasted him at Saturday's White House Correspondents Dinner, confirmed that he was less than amused by the show. Shortly after the event, he told New York magazine that some of the jokes "were fun, but not the greatest."
Watch Meyers blast Trump at the White House Correspondents Dinner
The next day, he told Fox and Friends (according to Politico), "I didn't know that I'd be virtually the sole focus," and labeled Meyers a "stutter." He also criticized the non-serious nature of Obama's speech, declaring, "I was certainly in a certain way having a good time listening. I don't think the American people are having a good time with $5 gas. ... I was thinking to myself as they were doing this, you know, the American people are really suffering."
Trump's "stutterer" comment raised the ire of the Stuttering Foundation, whose president Jane Fraser issued a statement that read in part, "Shame on you, Mr. Trump! We at the Stuttering Foundation find it discouraging that in 2011, Donald Trump has chosen to use the word 'stutterer' in a derogatory fashion, something to be made fun of, to describe Seth Meyers' speech at the annual White House Correspondents' dinner."
On CNN, Trump told anchor Don Lemon, "I thought the president actually did much better" than Meyers, whom he reiterated had "marbles in his mouth." He described the evening as "entertaining." The CNN interview was also notable for Trump's comments on his crusade for Obama's birth certificate. He called widespread allegations that this quest resulted from his racism "ridiculous." He defended saying, "I have a great relationship with the blacks," earlier this month on Fred Dicker's radio show by explaining, "I have many, many black friends who said to me, 'Absolutely not a problem [with the wording].'"
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