The Donald with his current counterpart (AP) The White House Correspondent's dinner is a long-running Washington tradition, a way for politicians and the journalists who cover them to unwind for an evening in sympatico. But this year, it was mostly a chance for everyone to pile on Donald Trump and his "enormous balls." Well, Trump was absolutely flattered to be the "sole focus" of the night, but he just feels the pain of the American people too much to take any real pleasure in the yuks: "I guess when you're leading in the polls that sort of thing tends to happen. But I was certainly in a certain way having a good time listening. I don't think the American people are having a good time with $5 gas...I was thinking to myself as they were doing this, you know, the American people are really suffering," he told "Fox and Friends" today.
Trump, who was booed when he arrived at the dinner, definitely didn't look like he was having a fun time during the impromptu-roast; the camera caught him looking dead-eyed during several of the monologues. "I had no idea it would be to that extent, where you know, it was just joke after joke after joke. It was almost like, is there anyone else they could talk about?" he humbly opined. Trump did praise President Obama's jokes, but had some tough advice for Seth Meyers: "I thought Seth's delivery was terrible. He had marbles in his mouth. His presentation was not good. The president was far superior."
Trump also defended his F-bomb-laden Las Vegas speech from this past week, which he was almost universally criticized for...although he didn't see it that way: "Well, it was a speech in Las Vegas, in front of a rough group of folks, and a great group of folks, and I got standing ovation...It was really well received. The fact is it's a word of emphasis with that group. Probably I won't do it anymore, to be honest with you."
Contact the author of this article or email with further questions, comments or tips. By Ben Yakas in News on May 1, 2011 6:00 PM donald trump humility jokes president obama seth meyers white house correspondent's dinner Other Interesting Stories Comments [rss] chris87654Another article sez: "Trump said he will focus on “making our country rich and respected,” by creating jobs, boosting the economy and stopping China and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries from taking advantage of the U.S. "First I've heard other than birther and grades/papers gossip from Don, but I'd like to know how he plans to accomplish his ideas, along with what cuts he'll make to reduce fed spending, who will be affected, and what he plans to do about Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security. Nothing new - same questions I'd have for Palin, Bachmann, other sideshows, and more realistic candidates.DonnaHThat Las Vegas event Trump cursed so prolifically in front of was put on by the Spring Mountain Republican Women's Group and other Republican Women's groups; the people Trump calls a "rough group of folks."
Can the man say two sentences without one of them being a lie? --Apparently not.Inconcievable de ImpublishableCon Artist In Chiefsluggitaearly onset alzheimers? Seriously, seems like Mr. Trump is suffering from some mental disease that disconnects him from most peoples reality. kind of sad to see him act out so publicly, comments powered by Disqus ? PreviousHome send a tip Got something to share? Let us know! From The day's most popular stories from Gothamist every evening in your inbox from our newsletter. Plus weekly event listings on Mondays! EMAIL (required) about staff / advertising / contact / newsmap contribute subscribe Use an RSS reader to stay up to date with the latest news and posts from Gothamist. add gothamist Yahoo NewsGator Bloglines Feedster Google new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: 'profile', rpp: 4, interval: 6000, width: 300, height: 300, theme: { shell: { background: '#666666', color: '#ffffff' }, tweets: { background: '#FFFFFF', color: '#1a1a1a', links: '#990000' } }, features: { scrollbar: false, loop: false, live: false, hashtags: true, timestamp: true, avatars: false, behavior: 'all' } }).render().setUser('gothamist').start(); c 2003-2010 Gothamist LLC. All rights reserved. Terms of Use & Privacy Policy.