After mentioning that Portal's protagonist, Chell, is adopted in the first game, that fact is acknowledged (and joked about) in Portal 2 a number of times. It seemed harmless enough to me, and I hadn't seen any complaints about them or the numerous fat jokes scattered through out the game. However, a North Carolina man, whose daughter is adopted, feels the adoption jokes are unacceptable. (There are some light Portal 2 spoilers ahead and in the video above.)
Neal Stapel's 10-year-old daughter, Marsha, was adopted from China. He was playing the game with her when one of the adoption jokes came up. During the sequence, which you can see here, Wheatley says, "Alright, fatty. Adopted fatty. Fatty, fatty, no parents," which GLaDOS follows up on by whispering to the player, "For the record, you are adopted, and that's terrible, but just stick with me."
Stapel found this to be bad -- really bad. "I didn't know what to do," he said in an interview with WBTV. "I still don't know what to do."
"If you're not an adoptive parent, it's probably not that big a deal to you," he continued. "If you are an adoptive parent, it was, literally, the worst thing I could possibly have heard."
"It throws the question, the most ultimate question that child is ever going to have for you, and it just throws it right in your living room," he said. Stapel's daughter claims she didn't hear the joke, to which he says, "To me, that message means she's not ready to talk about it and I'm not gonna force it."
WBTV's reporter, Brigida Mack, claims the game is "billed as educational," saying this is because "you sort of have to figure out a way to get out of every single room," which hardly strikes me as the qualification needed for something to be considered educational. She also says that Sony distributed Portal, when, in fact, Electronic Arts was the distributor of the Valve-developed game's retail version.
At the end of her report, she clarified that the Stapel family doesn't dislike the game. "I do want to add that they still like the game," she said. "It's just that one part he says he feels is unacceptable."
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