2011年8月17日 星期三

Party Jokes and a Weiner "Roast"

Who has the most sense of humor? Democrats or Republicans?

It's always seemed to me that Democrats take the world quite seriously, while Republicans can have a sarcastic -- albeit often cruel -- look at the world.

Case in point -- anybody remember Vice President Dick Cheney's comments that he had Cheneys on both sides of his family tree "and we're not even from West Virginia."

A slap to the face of a state that helped get he and George W. Bush to the White House. Even Republicans bristled.

As for the Democrats . . . an ailing U.S. Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va -- from his hospital bed -- was said to wake up and ask an aide if Vice President Cheney "had apologized to the people of West Virginia yet."

Republicans reportedly came face to face with their humor this past weekend during the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans.

A Barack Obama impersonator was hired to entertain the crowd, but quickly launched into what was said to be racist jokes about the president and his family. When the impersonator began to attack the GOP presidential nominees present, he was ushered from the stage.

A GOP strategist present tweeted: "Wonder why many minorities have problems with GOP? Hiring Obama impersonator to tell 'black jokes' at SRLC, for starters. Our own fault."

There is certainly a place for humor in politics.

Democrats are missing a great fund-raising opportunity. Why not a comic roast of soon-to-be former U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y.? The comedians are doing it anyway.

"Bring your own buns -- just don't reveal them," the invitations could say.

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