The now well-know impersonator of President Obama, Reggie Brown, appeared on MSNBC to discuss being yanked from the stage over the weekend at a Republican conference when his jokes started targeting Republicans. Brown wasn’t too upset that he didn’t get to finish his routine, since he said his jokes aim to entertain all audiences, no matter their politics, and especially since he still collected his paycheck regardless.
Brown confirmed that during a sound check he ran through his material and no one seemed to have a problem during the rehearsal. Yet apparently with a live audience of Republicans, organizers realized his jokes were hitting too close to home.
And responding to criticism that some of Brown’s jokes were offensive and borderline racist, Brown said he didn’t cross the line and didn’t know how anyone could call it racist. Especially since he believes Obama has “a great sense of humor,” Brown plans on making many more appearances in future. Although it seems likely Republicans will be one group not demanding an encore performance.
Watch the clip from MSNBC below:
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