2011年3月15日 星期二

Christmas Jokes, Games & Best Xmas Party Ideas - Guaranteed Laughter With This Festive Antic

Why is it so important to tell jokes or crack a gag for laughs at Christmas? Is this not already a time where folk jolly themselves and laughter naturally fills the air? Yes indeed it is, and does, but what harm can it possibly do to add more fun to your festive agenda you have planned for family and friends. Although Christmas is a known time for telling jokes, it is also a time when you could offend with your humour. Before cracking a joke remember that some people may not see eye to eye on your sense of humour. Christmas can also be a sad time for some who are good at keeping their hurt closely on the inside and may not feel like laughing. How are you expected to know this? Well you won`t, so more the reason to choose your joke material carefully. Nonetheless we will have the happy people just waiting to split their sides with laughter. Keep jokes clean and funny and especially more so if kiddies are around.

If you have booked a venue hall for your Christmas event then no doubt you will have access to a stage. If you wish to entertain your guests with a show then plan ahead to get it right. Whatever joke is told, if it includes actions the joke will come across funnier regardless of the punch line. Rehearse your act over and over till you are satisfied you have nailed it. Use a mirror for this. It is also a good idea to watch a video of a stand up comedienne to get an insight on how to make people laugh. There is a knack to telling jokes and you will need this if you wish to be a success. Have all your props easily to hand for your stage stunts.

Tradition has Christmas mostly celebrated in the home. To get extra laughs with your joke telling then direct specific gags to particular individuals. People always see the funny side of things when at another`s expense, of course this then changes when they themselves find there on the receiving end. Although this is a sure way to get your laughs, however it can cause heartache "be warned." Okay let the fun begin now that the bellies of all are full and dishes washed and put away.

Clean Humorous Christmas Party Gags

Joke 1 What do monkeys sing at Christmas? Jungle Bells, Jungle bells

Joke 2 Why is Christmas trees like bad knitters? Both drop their needles

Joke 3 What did the bald man say when he got a comb for Christmas? Thanks, I'll never part with it

Joke 4 What do you get if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree? A pineapple

Joke 5 What did the big candle say to the little candle? I'm going out tonight

Joke 6 How long does it take to burn a candle down? A wick

Joke 7 What do sheep say to each other at Christmas? Merry Christmas to ewe

Joke 8 What do sheep say to shepherds at Christmas? Season`s Bleating to you

Joke 9 What do angry mice send to each other in December? Cross mouse cards

Joke 10 What's the best thing to put into Christmas dinner? Your teeth that`s what

Christmas party games for the kids and grownups.

Always plan ahead to avoid last minute hiccups. It's surprising how may fun games are never played because the host forgot something of importance that a game can not be played without, for example play bingo without tickets. Ludo without the dice or the game crackerjack without the cracker, or heaven forbid the jack.

Game 1 - Grab the Gift

Ask your guests to bring a small gift with them to your party. Set a budget for this - anything from £5 - £10 - less if money is tight. Collect all the gifts and let each person choose a number out of a bowl. The person that picks the lowest number goes first and chooses a gift. This is a good way to ensuring that everyone gets a gift on the big day

Game 2 - Picture Charades a largely popular game played this festive season

You will need blank paper and pencils for this game. Give each guest a card with a name of a Christmas carol written on it. That person has to then draw out the Christmas carol and let the rest of the group guess what it is. Have them sing their guess (carol.) The person to get it right goes next, drawing their mystery carol, and so on.

Game 3 - Pin the Nose on the Reindeer is a Christmas game to surely excite whatever age of the players.

Draw a picture of a reindeer on card. Leave an outline of the nose but don't color it in. Separately draw some red noses - one for each child/adult playing - and attach some sticky tape on the back. Blindfold the player and spin them around 5 times. Be on hand to catch them if they get dizzy. Guide them over to where you have placed the picture of the reindeer and get the player to place the nose on it. The one who gets the nose closest to the actual reindeer nose wins the game! This game is similar to pin the tail on the donkey. If you have several cards with pictures of a reindeer, don`t color the nose in, let your players do that when blindfolded. You may bet that the reindeer ends up with more than his nose red.

Its fact that time flies by when you`re enjoying yourself. It is also fact how hunger can interrupt fun activities even though dinner was filling. To avoid this happening place a table in gaming area with cold foods on. If the table be placed somewhere else you may lose players. Most ideal for filling the gap is turkey sandwiches, sausage rolls, assorted cold meats, chicken drumsticks, cheese straws, pork pies, crisps, nuts and pickles.

End the evening off and play back to your family and friends all daytime events that you "secretly" videoed without them knowing. It only takes a minute to "set up" a camera to "set up" everyone. Now this is entertainment of the funniest sort.

Funtime Jokes & Gags

