If you have a great sense of humor, you may enjoy finding jokes and gags to entertain yourself and your friends. Humor helps us through the tough times and also helps us create great memories with those that are important in our lives. Jokes are all relative, meaning that you may not get something that is funny to someone else. Gags can be seen in the same way. Some people may think that you are the funniest person that they have ever met, but someone else may be deeply offended. In order to entertain, you have to know your audience and choose your material accordingly.
Some jokes and gags that go around are what are called off-color. Some enjoy these, but they should be used with caution. They can be offensive if they are told or done around the wrong people. You should always be sensitive to the background and life experiences of others when telling jokes. In some cases, those touchy jokes should be kept to yourself, especially if you don't know someone very well. Stick to funny jokes that you know most people enjoy. There is nothing funny about deeply offending someone or making fun of something they hold sacred.
Jokes and gags are often about timing. Some people are really good at telling jokes and pulling off funny gags while others are not. It often depends on how you present yourself and how you tell the joke. If you are timid and stumble over the words, the funniest joke you have ever heard is going to fall flat. Project confidence when you tell a joke, and know it well so you are not stopping in the middle trying to tell it. People can not laugh at your joke if you stumble and they are not really sure what you just said or if you leave important bits out. If you find yourself explaining your jokes a lot, after you have told them, you have to work on your delivery.
We all have a sense of humor, but we can not all come up with jokes. Those that do make them up often come up with them off the cuff. They say something, a punch line comes into their head, and they realize that everyone is laughing. Many jokes and gags are born this way, though not all are repeated over and over again. Simply entertaining your friends with your own jokes is fun, but you can also remember some others have told and make them your own if you wish. Jokes seem to be free for the taking, so retell your favorites.
You can also find great books on jokes and gags. These books are often great to read on your own, and you can then share the ones that you like, and the ones that you are sure your friends are going to like, when you are done with your reading. You can also find great ideas for some gags and some great jokes on the Internet. Just remember not all people get all jokes, so handle your attempts at humor with care. Funny is great, offensive is off putting, and you may find that no one wants to hear your jokes anymore.
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