Rep. Anthony Weiner In honor of the one-year anniversary of Obamacare passing yesterday, Rep. Anthony Weiner decreed it, "Ask Me Shit On Social Media Day." And more than anywhere else, he was inundated with questions on Reddit, in a thread which got more than 4000 comments by the end of the day. Some tough issues were addressed, some "weiner" jokes were made, and there were no awkward moments regarding his alleged mayoral aspirations. Here's a sampling of some of his responses to those hard-hitting questions on Israel, healthcare, his fear of The Count from Sesame Street, and bike lane jokes gone wrong:
On his "unconditional support" of Israel:
i dont think i let anyone slide - including my own beloved nation. but i proceed with a set of values that leads me to support Israel strongly: i support democracies. i support nations that have thriving debate and press freedoms. i support nations that respect women. and i support nations that support the rule of law.Israel is not perfect. but they are surrounded by violent enemies.
the plight of the Palestinians is untenable. i pray for two states living side by side in peace. but that can happen only through negotiation.
He also discussed the differences between Democrats and Republicans:
my colleagues are mostly good and honorable people but the gop has a fundamentally different view of the world than I. i see the disparity of income and the pressures on the vanishing middle class and i line up to help those struggling. im a democrat.they line up to defend the status quo and the winners in the deals. they are Republicans.
Weiner said he was against a long term extension of the Patriot Act, and "certainly against a permanent extension." He said that he thought President Obama is "doing a great job leading the nation and an average job leading our fight. i think when the president looks out his window he sees a cacophony of disparate voices shouting at each other and feels the need to quietly pursue the best deal for the american people." He went on to criticize the President for compromising too much, and for not coming to congress before taking action against Libya; he also said he regretted his own great compromise, voting for the Iraq War.
On the subject of "weiner" jokes, he said:
i heard my last original weiner gag in the 5th grade."vote for weiner, he'll be frank"(thank you. please tip your waitresses)
About his controversial bike lane quote, he said it was a joke-gone-wrong: "first it was a joke. but it make the story because we now have open and unnecessary warfare over bike lanes. its a false choice : bike lanes and true civic planning." Someone brought up Weiner's sardonic Click and Clack speech, and jokingly asked if he would fight to take away funding from Sesame Street, "a show about street hoodlums and cookie junkies." He responded: "I am so with you brother. do we really think that thing that lives in a trash can isnt a freak out to our children? and the vampire that counts stuff?! im scared just talking about it."
To the question of campaign finance reform, he said:
it is the foundation of so much of what ails the nation today. the supreme court has become an outgrowth of the pro business wing of the gop. we need a couple of things fast : transparency and improved rights of investors to stop public companies from crash landing on political a middle class guy. if we dont have public financing soon, congress will have no more weiners. uh, let me rephrase that...
Weiner added that he'd keep reading through the thread, and return on Friday to "answer the top 5 upvoted questions via video." So if you have any burning questions for a future mayoral candidate who seems to understand how best to use social media, post your question here.
Contact the author of this article or email with further questions, comments or tips. By Ben Yakas in News on March 24, 2011 12:48 PM anthony weiner bike lanes healthcare israel questions reddit social media weiner jokes Other Interesting Stories Comments [rss] Tyler Colby HillHere's my political analysis...
JSK's progress and popularity made her predecessor, Iris Weinshall, look worse than Iris was already perceived by her Park Slope neighbors. And JSK did all this in a little black dress.
But push really came to shove when JSK ran a bike lane right up Iris Weinshall's alley, so to speak.
Seething, Iris warned her husband, the powerful US Senator Chuck Schumer, that there will be no Iris Weinshall sugar until Chuck does something about that skinny b***ch.
Chuck, ever wary of becoming known as Senator Pothole the Second indirectly orchestrates a media and legal campaign in attempt to discredit JSK - all just to win back Iris' sweet sweet lovin'.
Try as they might the paid hacks at the New York Post and even the New York Times cannot really ignite public outrage at JSKs bike lanes.
So Chuck, desperate and truly in danger of becoming Client #10, turns to his trusted mini-me, the appropriately named Anthony Weiner.
Weiner is a congressman from a district on the known edges of human civilization. Weiner, desperate himself to emerge from the swamps surrounding runway 22, eagerly accepts Chuck Shumer's directive without a second thought and begins to trash JSK and her project. He does so in front of Mayor Bloomberg and the New York Times and says "f****g" which, of course, guarantees press coverage.
Anthony, now having destroyed his credibility with the 18 to 88 year old demographic is backpedaling every so slowly hoping no one notices he's rolling the wrong way down a heavy trafficked lane.
And the irony of all this is that Chuck is still not tasting any Iris Weinshall honey.spiritrossOh so now he is just "joking" about his comments on bike lanes.
He realized he gave the middle finger to most any person 18-40 years old and now if covering his political arse.
The most frustrating thing about government is no one who is ever sincere ever runs.
At least Howard Dead will be president in 2016.Homer2323He is full of white guiltmoe pintourRecently at a talk at the New School, he said Israels borders were all of historic Palestine. 'From the sea to Jordan.'
So how come the Arabs living there dont have the same rights as Israelis? I'll tell you why, cause they arent Jewish. And thats what Israel is all about, seeing that Jewish people have a priviliged position and majority over the indigenous people living there, and then making out that they're the victim when the natives revolt. Forget that. Thats what we call racist where I'm from.HypocraticOathWhat are you blathering about? Arabs who live in Israel retain the very same rights as Jews. Can that be said for Jews who would dare to live in Arab nations?
I guess where you are from is a pretty crazy pintourThe West Bank and East Jersusalem are between the Sea and Jordan that Weiner says are Israel. Two Million Palestenians live there, so do 500K settlers and the IDF. Those Palestenians have NO rights in Israel despite their lives being wholly controlled by Israel.
This is why Israel is an aparthied state, because they control the land but don't the people in it rights...because those people are not Jewish. Because if they had EQUAL rights, they Israelis would lose their priviliged position.
nice jobgo ask an arab-israeli if he feels he has the same rights as his jewish neighbors. i'm sure he would tell you a different story. the discrimination is rampant. they are not equal.ch_renterIs that arab woman a beard? I thought Weiner was gay.LazyNannyYup, a total closet case.
Anyway I wish Weiner would STFU. I can barely stand that other windbag Schumer.Amber Chandlerno way he's married to a hottie, one of hillary clinton's aids line about Israel sounds like a cop-out, but other than that, so far so good. But all politicians are liars.freddynycI guess back in the day before cyberbullying, kids like him actually had to endure physical beatings...MordicaiI hope he doesn't get hurt in the squared circle of the House! Or wait, it isn't a "fight club." I guess he might not get the armchair warrior vote, though, huh?tijuanatornadoThat pic looks like one of Ned Flanders' kidsblog comments powered by Disqus ? PreviousHome send a tip Got something to share? Let us know! From
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