[This post has been updated and corrected.]
Judy Sheindlin, star of the legal show "Judge Judy," is expected to be released from the hospital soon.
Her spokesman, Gary Rosen, told KTLA News that he had spoken to Sheindlin and that "all of the tests are negative, and she's going home tomorrow."
It's unclear what exactly prompted Sheindlin to seek medical attention after feeling ill at a Hollywood studio on Wednesday.
[Updated at 4:11 p.m.: The Times and other media organizations had reported earlier that Sheindlin had said on a Twitter account that she was doing well. But Rosen told The Times on Thursday afternoon that she does not have a Twitter account and that someone was impersonating her.
The Times had quoted a tweeted comment in which she said she feels fine and would begin taping her show again April. 18.]
Judge Judy rushed to hospital after feeling ill during taping of show
-- Andrew Blankstein and Shelby Grad
Photo: Judy Sheindlin with William Shatner on the set of “Shatner’s Raw Nerve” in 2009. Credit: Bio
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Judge Judy rules! I wish her a full and speedy recovery.
Posted by:MrNiceGuy |March 31, 2011 at 07:48 AMJudge Judy,
Glad you're well. I enjoy your show very much. By watching it I learn a lot about the law and how I should go about conducting personal business if I want to protect myself. Thanks.
Posted by:Dan |March 31, 2011 at 08:25 AMJust want to say we are very glad you are okay and we know you were a fighter.
Posted by:Lenesha Anderson |March 31, 2011 at 09:04 AMHope that you're feeling better Judge Judy! We need you back on the bench to take "care" of some of these mental defectives and losers. We could also use about 1000 just like you in our "real time" courts.
Not that I'm saying that you're a "hanging" judge but you don't fool around with all the psycho-babble and "poor me" nonsense that some judges apparently do.
Best of everything to you and may you hammer that gavel for many years to come!
I love you Judge Judy, because of your show I feel I'm almost ready to take the bar exam! lol. Keep up the entertaining of the people. We all love you. God speed.
Posted by:Lisa |March 31, 2011 at 11:56 AML.A. Times on Facebook
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