In honor of April’s appointment as National Humor Month, today’s topic is clean, funny jokes. National Humor Month was founded in 1976 by author Larry Wilde, who chose April because of its frequently bleak weather, the fact that it begins with April Fool’s Day and to counteract the stress of taxes being due on the 15th.
“What do you get if you cross a spider and an elephant? I’m not sure, but if you see one walking across the ceiling then run before it collapses!’’ With an emphasis on animal jokes, 101 Kidz contains pages and pages of kid-friendly jokes and riddles. Visit for jokes about chickens, dinosaurs, elephants, cats, insects, spiders, and flies. A few of these categories are listed on the main joke page. For the rest of the animals, you will need to page through the Animal Jokes section, looking for the sub-categories.
As good comedians know, how a joke is presented is just as important as the joke itself. I like the presentation at AzKidsNet because the punch line is hidden until you make it appear. On the Knock Knock Jokes pages, simply hover over Who’s There? to see the question, and then move over to Answer to see the punch line. The other joke pages use a variety of easy to use click and hover techniques to keep the answers hidden until you are ready for them.
Ducksters: Jokes: You Quack Me Up!
The navigation at Ducksters is simple, but it works. The jokes and riddles are divided into 29 categories and subcategories. Some of the more unusual ones are Tree Jokes, Occupation Jokes, and Geography Jokes. “What has five eyes and is lying on the water? The Mississippi River!’’ “Where do pianists go for vacation? Florida Keys!’’ “What rock group has four men that don’t sing? Mount Rushmore!’’
Does your name have its own knock knock joke? Mine does. “Knock, knock. Who’s there? Barbara. Barbara who? Barbara black sheep, have you any wool?’’ Scatty’s collection tops 12,898 jokes in more than a dozen categories. Some topics are tried-and-true such as Riddles, Doctor Doctor, and Knock Knock, while others are novel categories such as Internet Jokes, Fairy Tale Jokes, Boy Jokes, and Girl Jokes.
“What do you get if you cross a giraffe and a hedgehog? A very tall toothbrush!’’ “What do you call a chicken from outer space? An egg-straterrestrial!’’ You can scroll through 2,111 jokes seven at a time, or choose from 10 categories and peruse them in smaller batches. To find more joke sites, click on any keyword in the tag cloud in the right-hand column.