Not all of us are stand up comedians and can deliver funny wedding speech jokes with ease. Let's face it a wedding speech without a joke or to is sooo booooringgggg!! In any speech it is often more about WHAT NOT TO SAY opposed to WHAT TO SAY.
WHAT NOT TO SAY - This is fairly easy - do not include any embarrassing stories like past girlfriends, ex-wives, bad relationships and break-ups, unpleasant family members and not-so-good times.
WHAT TO SAY - No wedding speech is perfect unless you include some funny and interesting incidents about the bride and groom. Of course you should include some good jokes. The real trick lies in the delivery of the joke. Not everyone can pull off a good joke, and it is best to prepare beforehand.
Tips and Tricks On How To Deliver Funny Wedding Speech Jokes
Prepare yourself mentally before your big speech
Memorize all your funny wedding jokes, especially the opening and closing lines
Don't "uhm and ahh" during your speech and embarrass yourself
Practice your jokes beforehand on family and friends and ask their input
Experiment with different facial expressions you can use to enhance the effect of your joke
Vary the tone of your voice to emphasize certain parts in your joke
Choose the right moment to deliver your jokes
Always deliver your wedding jokes with humor in your voice and a smile on your face
Be careful not to overdo it and pepper your speech with jokes. You also want to include meaningful and inspiring wedding quotations and other words in your speech. A good speech always contain elements of humor and sentiment. Keep in mind that people will react differently on jokes. You might find a joke funny but it may not be funny to others. Pick your jokes carefully. It is best to stay away from any jokes related to religious, politics or sex. Make sure the wedding jokes you use are fresh, classy and above board.
Funny Wedding Speech Jokes To Use
"A man inserted an advertisement in the classifieds reading: "Wife wanted." The next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine."
"It's not that the groom is lazy, but marriage is an expensive way to get laundry done for free."
When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife.
By using these tips to deliver funny wedding speech jokes your speech will be entertaining and memorable. For more great jokes and wedding speech examples visit for an unforgettable wedding speech!