2011年4月23日 星期六

The Best April Fools' Jokes of 2011

Another April 1, another day of pranks. From emptying and filling up a jelly donut with ketchup to Google's annual web jokes, the first is always a fun day.

10 Inches of Snow in Northeast

In the northeast, the biggest April Fools' joke played on us would be the "huge" snowstorm expected. Since the weekend, meteorologists on all the local channels warned residents of the impending 10 inches of white fluffy material coming our way. When I awoke this morning, all I saw on the ground was wet grass from the previous day's rain. Thanks a lot, Dr. Mel.


The Internet makes for easy practical jokes. This popular website, which shows your favorite shows, has "The X-Files" on the front page like we're back in the '90s.

Groupon Buys April Fools' Day

This hoax had the Internet coupon site claim that it purchased the trademark for the holiday. The site even went as far as serving YouTube cease and desist orders. This is pretty far out there, but people still fell for it.


As always, Google was a big player in the practical jokes game.

Comic Sans, known worldwide as one of the worst fonts in the world, has taken over the website. When you search Helvetica, everything appears in comic sans. If you search for Comic Sans, you'll get everything in comic sans. Thanks a lot, Google.

Another gag the site pulled involved Gmail Motion. Using your webcam and Gmail account, you are supposed to be able to use your body to perform various tasks. However, this doesn't exist -- "At least not yet."

Harry Potter - The TV show?

IGN pulled one of the best pranks on this day. They claimed to have a trailer for the Harry Potter TV show, which surely made all fans who were hoping for more movies very excited. Sorry guys, it isn't happening.


This might be one of the coolest pranks. ThinkGeek "released" the Playmobil Apple Store Playset, which actually looks like it would be fun. On the box, you can see Steve Jobs in his traditional black t-shirt and blue jeans.

Also from ThinkGeek are the Angry Birds Pork Rinds and Minecraft USB Desktop Nether Portal games.

Pirate Bay

Apparently, as of the morning of April 1, Pirate Bay owns eBay. EBay listed itself on eBay and The Pirate Bay company has won the auction.

"We saw that eBay was up for sale on their site and since we have a long going law suit against them for abuse of our trademark name 'pirat(ebay),' we wanted to be pragmatic and use our immense profits to buy them," The Pirate Bay said in a statement.

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